ELIGIBILITY: Eligible to join the competition are individuals or production teams whose ages do not exceed thirty (30) years of age at the submission of the video. Solo singers, instrumentalists, children’s choirs, Rondalla groups and other groupings are encouraged. There is no limit to the number of participants and submissions. Deadline of submission is on July 31, 2021.
- The video must not exceed a running time of five (5) minutes.
- The video must be produced specifically for this competition having a date stamped not earlier than April 1, 2021.
- All the materials (music, videos, photos) must be owned by the creator or have the permission and licenses of its owner/owners. They must be under any of these:
a. Fair use,
b. Royalty free materials, or
c. Original composition
- Elements of the video including music, must reflect the theme
“Panagbangon, Pannagkapaimbag” (Pagbangon, Paghilom).
- Text AND/OR narration in any Philippine language/languages must be incorporated in the video, although text overload is discouraged. Sound effects may be used.
- Shooting of or video footage must have the permission of the concerned party.
- Videos made with a camcorder, a camera, a computer, or a cell phone are eligible.
- The videos must have a full title different from the competition title or theme.
- NAMCYA will be the copyright holder/owner of all winning videos.
- Contestants shall hold free and harmless NAMCYA to claim/s of persons, natural or juridical, of having legal rights over the submitted music video.
1st Prize – 60,000
2nd Prize – 50,000
3rd Prize – 40,000
*subject to appropriate local tax
The winners will be officially announced during the National Music Week.
In the event that a prize is won by a team, it will be to the discretion of the team to divide among themselves the prizes awarded.
Certificates will be awarded to each member of a duly formed team. Each finalist will also be given a certificate of participation.
for PDF version of the guidelines, click here