
NAMCYA STRINGS, Senior Category 2021

Violin and Lower Strings 

(Viola, Violoncello & Contrabass)

Additional and Specific Guidelines, Rules and Regulations



Contestants must be at least 19 years old but not older than 30 years old on December 31, 2021.



Please refer to list below for the prescribed repertoire for each instrument: 


J. S. Bach Selection (memorized)


Choose one of the following sets:

  • Sonata No. 1 in G minor, BWV1001 – Adagio and Fuga
  • Partita No. 1 in B minor, BWV1002 – Any 3 dances (not including their double)
  • Sonata No. 2 in A minor, BWV1003 – Grave, Fuga and Allegro
  • Sonata No. 2 in A minor, BWV1003 – Grave, Allemande and Allegro
  • Partita No. 2 in  D Minor, BWV1004 – Allemande, Courante and Sarabande
  • Partita No. 2 in D Minor, BWV 1004 – Chaccone
  • Sonata No. 3 in C major, BWV1005 – Adagio, Fuga and Allegro assai
  • Sonata No. 3 in C major, BWV 1005 – Adagio, Largo and Allegro assai
Chamber Music Selection

(style to contrast with Concerto Selection)


Can be played with guide music:


Violin and Piano Sonatas

  • Bartok
  • L. van Beethoven
  • Brahms
  • Debussy
  • Grieg
  • W. A. Mozart (except for the youth sonatas)
  • Prokofiev
  • Ravel
  • Schumann, Op.105 or Op.121
  • Strauss
  • Shostakovich


(or equivalent)

Concerto Selection (memorized)


  • Barber, Op. 14
  • Beethoven
  • Brahms, Op. 77
  • Bruch, Concerto 2 or Scottish Fantasy
  • Buenaventura
  • Dvorak, Op. 53
  • Glazunov, Op. 82
  • Haydn, Concerto in C
  • Khachaturian
  • Lalo, Symphonie Espagnole
  • Mendelssohn, Op. 64
  • Mozart, Concerto 4 or 5
  • Paganini, Concerto 1 or 2
  • San Pedro
  • Saint-Saens, Concerto No. 3
  • Sibelius, Op. 47
  • Tchaikovsky, Op. 35
  • Vieuxtemps, Concerto 4 or 5
  • Wieniawski, Op. 14


Can be played with guide music:

  • Bartok
  • Berg
  • Prokofiev, Concerto 1 or 2
  • Shostakovich, Op. 77
  • Stravinksy


(or equivalent)

Filipino Art Music Piece

  • Any selection from the Romero or Kabayao set of Filipino songs
  • Any previous NAMCYA contest piece
  • Any art music composed by a Filipino (please coordinate with Strings Chair)
Concert/Show Piece

  • Bazzini, La ronde des lutins
  • Beethoven: Romance, Op. 50
  • Chopin, Nocturne in C#m
  • Dinicu, Hora Stacatto
  • Elgar, La Capricieuse, Op. 17
  • Kreisler, Tambourin Chinois, Danse Espagnole, Praeludium and Allegro, Rondo (Mozart)
  • Kroll, Banjo and Fiddle
  • Paganini, La Campanella, Caprice 24 
  • Ravel, Tzigane
  • Sarasate, Zigueunerweisen, Introduction and Tarantelle, Zapateado, Habanera, Malaguena
  • Saint-Saens, Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso, Havanaise
  • Tchaikovsky, Valse Scherzo, Melodie
  • Vitali: Chaconne
  • Wieniawski, Scherzo Tarantelle or Polonaise, Op. 21 or Op. 4, Legende
  • Ysaye, Sonatas for solo violin 


(or equivalent)

Obligatory Contest Piece

Can be played with guide music:


Ching, Jeffrey

Fiori di Bulgari

J. S. Bach Selection (memorized)


Any of the above sets of Sonatas and Partitas, transcribed for Viola


Any of the following J. S. Bach. Suites for unaccompanied cello,BWV 1007-1012, transcribed for Viola


  • Suites 1-4: Prelude and 2 dances
  • Suites 5-6: Prelude and dance
Chamber Music Selection

(style to contrast with Concerto Selection)


Can be played with guide music:


  • Bax: Viola Sonata in G
  • Beethoven (Cello Sonata No.3 Op. 69 transcribed for  viola)
  • Brahms: Clarinet sonatas, Op 120 transcribed for viola
  • Clarke: Viola Sonata
  • Franck: Violin Sonata in A
  • Glinka: Viola Sonata in Dm
  • Hindemith, Op. 11 No.4, Op.25 No.4, Sonata (1939)
  • Hummel: Sonata in E flat
  • Schubert, F.: Arpeggione
  • Shostakovich: Sonata for Viola and Piano, Op. 147
  • Vieuxtemps: Sonata in B-flat, Op.36


(or equivalent)

Concertos (memorized)

  • Forsyth: Concerto in Gm
  • Hoffmeister: Viola concerto in D
  • Mozart: Violin concerto 3 transcribed for viola
  • Schubert, J.: Concerto in C
  • Stamitz: Op.1 in D
  • Zelter: Concerto in E flat


Can be played with guide music:

  • Bartok
  • David: Bracsaverseny
  • Harbison
  • Hindemith, Der Schwanendreher
  • Penderecki
  • Piston
  • Porter
  • Schnittke
  • Walton


 (or equivalent)

Filipino Art Music Piece

  • Hating Gabi
  • Cavatina
  • Any previous NAMCYA contest piece
  • Any art music composed by a Filipino (please coordinate with Strings Chair)
Concert/Show Piece

  • Brahms: Sonatensatz, F.A.E. Sonata, Scherzo in Cm
  • Bridge, Pensiero and Allegro Appassionato
  • Beethoven: Romances op. 40/Op. 50
  • Chopin: Nocturne in C# minor
  • Dvorak: 4 Romantic Pieces
  • Enescu: Concertpiece for Viola and Piano
  • Glazunov: Elegie, Op.44
  • Kodaly: Adagio 
  • Kreisler, Praeludium and Allegro
  • Bruch, Romance, Op. 85
  • Prokofiev: Six Pieces from Romeo and Juliet
  • Schumann: Marchenbilder, Op.113
  • Tchaikovsky: Nocturne, Op.19 No.4
  • Vaughan Williams: Romance
  • Vieuxtemps, Elegie, Op.30
  • Wieniewski: Reverie


(or equivalent)

Obligatory Contest Piece

Can be played with guide music:


Ching, Jeffrey

Solo ma non solo, transcribed for viola

J. S. Bach. Selection (memorized)


Any of the following J. S. Bach. Suites for unaccompanied cello, BWV 1007-1012


  • Suites 1-4: Prelude and 2 dances
  • Suites 5-6: Prelude and dance
Chamber Music Selection

(style to contrast with Concerto Selection)


Can be played with guide music:


  • Beethoven, 1-5
  • Boccherini
  • Brahms, 1 or 2
  • Bridge
  • Carter
  • Debussy
  • Faure
  • Grieg
  • Martinu, 2
  • Mendelssohn, 1 or 2
  • Prokofiev
  • Schubert, Arpeggione
  • Shostakovich

(or equivalent)

Concertos (memorized)

  • Barber, Op. 22
  • Boccherini
  • Dvorak, Op. 104
  • Elgar
  • Haydn, 1 or 2
  • Herbert
  • Lalo, Concerto in D minor
  • Saint-Saens, Op. 33
  • Schumann, Op. 129
  • Tchaikovsky, Rococo Variations

Can be played with guide music:

  • Shotakovich
  • Walton

 (or equivalent)

Filipino Art Music Piece

  • Cavatina
  • Romance by Abelardo
  • Romance by Buenaventura
  • Romance by Molina
  • Any previous NAMCYA contest piece
  • Any art music composed by a Filipino (please coordinate with Strings Chair)
Concert/Show Piece

  • Boccherini, Rondo in C
  • Bruch, Kol Nidrei
  • Cassado, Solo Suite
  • De Falla: 7 Canciones Populares Españolas
  • Dvorak, Humoresque
  • Piatti, 12 Caprices, Op25
  • Paganini: Variations on one string on a theme from Rossini
  • Piazolla, Le grand tango
  • Popper, Spinning Song, Dances with Elves, Hungarian Rhapsody, Tarantella
  • Stravinsky, Suite Italienne
  • Tchaikovsky, Pezzo capriccioso


(or equivalent)

Obligatory Contest Piece

Can be played with guide music:


Ching, Jeffrey

Solo ma non solo

J. S. Bach. Selection (memorized)


Any of the following J. S. Bach. Suites for unaccompanied cello, BWV 1007-1012


  • Suites 1-4: Prelude and 2 dances
  • Suites 5-6: Prelude and dance
Chamber Music Selection

(style to contrast with Concerto Selection)


Can be played with guide music:


  • Beethoven (Horn Sonata, Op. 17, transcribed for contrabass)
  • Boccherini, Sonata 6 in A
  • Eccles, Sonata in G minor
  • Handel, Sonata in C or Gm
  • Hindemith
  • Misek, Sonata 1 or 2
  • Schubert, Arpeggione
  • Telemann

(or equivalent)

Concertos (memorized)

  • Bottesini
  • Dittersdorf
  • Henze
  • Hertl
  • Hoffmeister
  • Koussevitzky, Op 3
  • Sankey
  • Schuller
  • Simandl
  • Tubin
  • Vanhal, Concerto in C or D
  • Vivaldi concerto in e minor

 (or equivalent)

Filipino Art Music Piece

  • Angel Pena
  • Agot Espino, Kundiman ng Langit
  • Any previous NAMCYA contest piece
  • Any art music composed by a Filipino (please coordinate with Strings Chair)
Concert/Show Piece

  • Bottesini, Tarantella, Fantasia on ‘La Sonnambula’, Elegy in D, Capriccio di Bravura
  • Dragonetti, Adagio and Rondo in C
  • Faure, Apres un Reve
  • Fryba, A Suite in the Olden Style
  • Gliere, Intermezzo, Scherzo, Tarantella
  • Koussevitsky, Chanson Triste, Op. 2, Valse Miniature
  • Massenet, Meditation from Thais
  • Mendelssohn: Song without words, Op109
  • Proto, A Carmen Fantasy
  • Zbinden, Hommage a JS Bach

(or equivalent)

Obligatory Contest Piece

Can be played with guide music:


Ching, Jeffrey

Arrieta XVII


  1. Please refer to the Suggested Repertoire List for repertoire requirements. Selection of recital repertoire must characterize a balanced program that can showcase versatility and musical abilities of the contestant. Chamber Music selection and Concerto must be of different periods or styles. ‘Modern’ concertos and show pieces, chamber music and obligatory contest piece may be played with sheet music, the remaining pieces memorized. A fully memorized program is preferred.
  2.  Selected pieces that are not in the list may be allowed if they are of the same or higher level of difficulty. Should the piece not be in the list, a written request addressed to the Chairperson of the Strings Competition shall be sent through the NAMCYA Office via this email address:
  3. Total performance times will be strictly enforced and will include any pause between compositions. Repeats are at the discretion of the performer. Tasteful cutting of lengthy piano accompaniment parts are encouraged.
  4. After submission, the Repertoire List may be changed, altered, or modified only once through a written request addressed to the Chairperson of the Strings Competition through the NAMCYA office, at least 10 working days before the scheduled live rounds. The letter must be signed by the contestant, and should include a clear scan of the new score.




  1.   ELIMINATION ROUND: Video Audition. Please see video submission guidelines for submitting videos. To participate in the next round, no more than 12 candidates from the upper strings and 12 from the lower strings will be chosen.  


  1. First movement of a concerto from the standard program that will be played for the National Finals

     2. SEMI-FINAL ROUND: LIVE Round with a 30-45 minute performance, Metro Manila venue and date to be announced. To participate in the finals level, no more than 6 candidates from the upper strings and 6 from the lower strings will be chosen.


The following in any order that complements the chosen repertoire:

  1. Johann Sebastian Bach selection
  2. Filipino piece
  3. Contrasting movements from a duo chamber music work
  4. Virtuoso/Concert/Show Piece for solo instrument or with piano accompaniment

  3.  FINAL ROUND: LIVE Round, Date and venue to be announced 


  1. Complete Concerto (elimination round entry)
  2. Obligatory Contest Piece



  1. Aim to create a high-quality video recording filmed with a single camera where the camera/device is placed on a tripod in a horizontal position. The preferred video format is mp4. 
  2. Submit via Youtube unlisted link in the application form.
  3. Keep the face, both arms, entire bow and instrument clearly visible in the video.
  4. Instrument must be tuned. Videos made with untuned instruments will be disqualified.
  5. Wear presentable attire.
  6. Video should be recorded specifically for the competition, date stamped not earlier than April 1, 2021. 
  7. Video should include a full performance of the chosen repertoire.
  8. Video must be made without cuts, editing, zooming, panning or audio enhancements.



  Violins Lower Strings: 

Viola, Cello, Bass

First Prize Php 40,000 Php 40,000
Second Prize Php 30,000 Php 30,000
Third Prize Php 20,000 Php 20,000
Best Interpretation of  Obligatory Contest Piece Php 15,000



To be announced



  1. Live Events will strictly follow IATF Regulations and are subject to change.
  2. The order of performances will be determined by a drawing of lots and will be maintained throughout the competition.
  3. The contestant shall be responsible for his/her own accompanist.
  4. Contestants are responsible for securing their own instruments for performances.
  5. Contestants are responsible for securing performing rights for their Filipino works for the semi-final event.
  6. Non-compliance and falsification of any of the Competition Requirements shall be sufficient grounds for disqualification.
  7. Competitors are not allowed to speak to the judges during the competition.
  8. First place winners are not eligible to participate in the same category following this year.
  9. The final decisions of the Jury shall be irrevocable.
  10. Performance of obligatory contest piece is limited to the NAMCYA 2021 String Finals event. Sharing of obligatory contest piece sheet music is not allowed.


for PDF version of the guidelines, click here

By |2021-05-18T03:59:04+00:00May 18, 2021|Uncategorized|

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